I stumbled upon something wonderful yesterday while doing lessons with the 7 year old. He started reading Chance Fortune and the Outlaws by Shane Berryhill (http://www.shaneberryhill.com/). It is about a kid who wants to be a super hero. So far, he likes it. I had the idea of him writing his own comic book. It was a great exercise! He used his imagination, came up with qualities that make a good super hero, started drawing, came up with a back story for the character. So, stay tuned for the Adventures of Sonic Zoom! Our son reads on a 6th grade level. Books for his age range are just too easy for him. He really likes The Captain Underpants and Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. This book is a bit more advanced than Diary of a Wimpy Kid. We met Shane Berryhill at ConNooga. He was so nice and even autographed the book!